Recording Resources and FAQs

Welcome to our ‘Getting Started as a Recorder’ resources page. Here you will find a variety of different resources to support you as you start your journey as a recorder in Cumbria.

This page is continually being updated to ensure you have as much support at your finger tips as possible. If something is missing, do let us know.

More information is available on the More Resources page which is aimed at those with more experience of recording or who have already started their recording journey….

Introduction to Recording

Our Recording Officer, Stuart Colgate, provides a short introduction to recording. This is a great starting point for anyone new to wildlife recording!


Recording for Teachers and Schools

We have created resources aimed specifically at teachers or for use in schools. We are always keen to hear back from anyone who uses these resources or if you have suggestions for additional materials that could be useful.

General Recording Resources and Information

The following materials explain how to start recording, specifically the use of two widely used apps: iRecord and iNaturalist. Explanations are based on the iPhone app and are a little different for the Android app.
