Planning, Development & Land Management
Data Searches
CBDC provides a ‘desk study’ enquiry service for ecological consultants, developers, countryside managers and other commercial users, this includes species, site and habitat data. We also provide Standard Data Searches for species, sites and habitats. Learn more here.
If your needs aren’t covered by our standard searches, please specify your requirements in an email via the form on our Contact Page or contact our Data Manager, directly.
Data Request Form and Guidance Notes
Download and complete our Data Request form (Word document) and email the completed form to our Data Manager. To ensure you get the information you require, please read our Guidance Notes as well as our Terms and Conditions.
We endeavour to provide data requested within 10 days of receipt of the confirmation for the work to go ahead.
Data search results will usually need interpretation by an ecologist and be used to direct and supplement further survey work. The Cumbria Biodiversity Evidence Base provides contextual information on Cumbria’s species and habitats.
Download: Data Request form (Word Document)