Data for the Public
We provide a non-commercial enquiry service for species, habitats, and sites data to recording groups, members of the public, schools, colleges, students, etc. Though this service is often free of charge, we address pricing on a case-by-case basis.
All official enquiries must go through our Data Request Form, available at the link below. If you have any general data-related questions, feel free to contact our Data Manager.
– Download Data Request Form (.docx, Word)
Make an enquiry to CBDC
To make an enquiry, please download and complete our Data Request form (Word document) and email the completed form to our Recording Officer. To ensure you get the information you require, please read our Guidance Notes as well as our Terms and Conditions.
To learn about our services, please see our Standard Data Searches section. If your needs aren’t covered by our standard searches, please specify your requirements in an email via the form on our Contact Page or contact our Recording Officer, directly.
Our aim is to make information about Cumbria’s natural environment used as widely as possible. Only some of our data is available via the NBN Atlas so currently you will need to contact us directly to access the 2.8 million records we hold.
Download: Data Request form (Word Document)
Please note:
CBDC reserves the right to exercise discretion in reducing or waiving charges where there is good cause.
Enquires for large amounts of data or complex enquiries that will take more than 1 hour of CBDC time are liable for charging, unless a Data Exchange Agreement is in place.
Enquiries for conservation and land management are usually chargeable. However, to support local biodiversity conservation we give each conservation charity with nature reserves/land in Cumbria who is actively contributing records to CBDC up to three free standard single site data requests per organisation per annum.
No chargeable service will be carried out without CBDC contacting the enquirer for confirmation to proceed.
If you need clarification about your enquiry please contact one of our staff who will contact you before proceeding with the request.