About Us
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre (CBDC) is a one-stop shop for Cumbria’s biological records, biodiversity and geological information. CBDC collates and analyses Cumbria’s biodiversity data and the information produced supports the work of wildlife enthusiasts, consultants, planners, researchers and members of the public who are interested in Cumbria’s biodiversity.
Over 2.8 million wildlife records are held at CBDC, including those for a variety of animals, fungi and plants. CBDC supports over 800 volunteer recorders and 24 recording groups in the county who provide the majority of our data. By working with local and national experts, CBDC’s staff are able to undertake a significant amount of work to ensure that the information accurately reflects Cumbria’s biodiversity. CBDC is a not for profit organisation and any income generated through our data services helps to support the recording community in Cumbria.
CBDC is an independent initiative hosted by Tullie House Museum (Charity no: 1143235) and is based in Tullie House Museum offices in Herbert Atkinson House, Abbey Street, Carlisle. Tullie House has held natural history records since 1902 when the Natural History Records Bureau was formed. CBDC was established in 2011 in response to organisations needing biodiversity data to meet their obligations under the National Park and Access to Countryside Act of 1949, Earth Summit 1992 and the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act of 2006.
CBDC is one of a network of local record centres throughout the UK and is a member of the Association of Local Record Centres. We are also a member of the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) who collate records from many sources, including from local record centres, recording groups, national recording schemes and ecologists.