Have a look at the geological collections in Cumbrian museums.
Information on Geocaching & Earthcaching, useful publications and the geology project in Westmorland Dales. Links to interesting websites given at the end of the page.

Tullie House Museum, Carlisle:
Regionally important geology collections.
Tullie House is currently closed for refurbishment. Due to open summer 2024.

Sedgwick & Ruthven room opened in Oct 2023 by the Geologists' Association. Plus an excellent digital resource where you can view photographs of local rock and mineral collections.

Heritage Lottery Fund 2016. To find out more about the geology of this special place, how the copper-mining industry developed, or about the miners and their families who earned their livelihoods from it, click here.

The museum has a Ruskin collection and also exhibits relating to the coppermines, slate, geology, lace, farming and Donald Campbell.