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Interactive map shows:
Distribution of dragonfly records represented by tetrad (2km x 2km) grids. Each tetrad provides information on how many species and number of records recorded in that location.
A ‘Heatmap’ that shows where recording activity has taken place, and SSSI sites. Both layers can be switched on/off as required.
The map provides a tool for searching species recorded in Cumbria using dragonfly common names.
Species photos, location information, number of records and mapping period (status) can be browsed by clicking on species pop-up markers.
You can add your comment in the comment box and save/print this map using the ‘Print this page’ button.
To zoom the map use +/- at the bottom right corner or press Ctrl + use your mouse scroll.
You can reset the map at anytime by using the ‘Reset map’ button.