CBDC Equipment Loan Scheme
Over time CBDC plans to build up a collection of recording equipment available for loan for free to local recorders, groups and for identification and other recording events and workshops. We have some equipment available to borrow free of charge.
Recorders may borrow microscopes for three months at a time without charge. Please see the terms and conditions for more information and fill out a loan request form if you would like to borrow one. For larger groups please use the contact form at Contact Us or the email us at info@cbdc.org.uk
– Terms and Conditions (PDF) – Please read
– Microscope loan request form (Word)
Moth trap
Local recorders who are members of the Cumbria Moth Group may borrow, for up to 2 weeks at a time without charge, a portable Skinner trap (15W actinic bulb) in a package which includes a battery and battery charger, as well as a copy of Waring and Townsend’s 2009 revised edition of ‘a Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland’.
This loan is a joint venture between CBDC and members of the Cumbria Moth Group to encourage anyone who wishes to try out moth recording in places that do not have mains power.
Please see the terms and conditions for more information and fill out a loan request form if you would like to borrow the trap.
– Terms and Conditions (PDF) – Please read
– Moth trap loan request form (Word)