Standard Data Searches
Species Search
A standard species data search will include all post-1980 records of statutorily protected species, Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority species (‘species of principle importance,’ under the 2006 Nerc Act’s Section 41), rare and scarce species, and a selection of invasive non-native species, for a buffer of up to 2 km from a site centroid. Records are provided as a spreadsheet to allow for filtering by designation and taxon group.
Sites Search
A standard sites data search is for non-statutory sites, for up to a 5km radius of a site centroid. Results are provided as a labelled PDF map of site boundaries. Individual site designation citations for County (Local) Wildlife Sites, Local Geological Sites (RIGs) and Sites of Invertebrate Significance may then be requested for a further charge. Statutory site boundaries and citations are available from Natural England, and a labelled PDF map of statutory sites can be provided for a further charge.
Habitat Search
UK Priority Habitat boundaries are available from Natural England. A PDF map of nearby priority habitats can be provided for a further charge. Although old, the 1980s Phase 1 habitat survey of Cumbria is the only comprehensive coverage habitat data available for the whole county. A PDF map for your site can be provided for a further charge.