ELMS Project: Online Recording Form Date (All forms acceptable but recommend full dates [DD/MM/YYYY] if possible) Site (Site name where appropriate e.g. Farm name, nearest settlement) Location (Additional location information e.g. Field name/number) Grid Ref (At relevant resolution e.g. NY442663 or NY4466) Species (Scientific) (The scientific e.g. Geranium sylvaticum) Species (Common) (Please make sure this is as clear as possible e.g. Wood cranesbill) Abundance (No. of individuals, e.g. 6 or many 'If no count given, 1 is assumed') Type of Abundance (Juveniles, adults, males, females) Comments (Any extra details, e.g. feeding on nettles) Recorder Name (Your Name) Email (We may need to contact you with questions about your record.) Telephone/Mobile (We may need to contact you with questions about your record.) Upload Picture(s) (Optional: Send us your pictures, please upload multiples in .zip file)