Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Network (CLNRN)

For supporting Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Strategy – Pilot Scheme

Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Strategy Pilot Scheme

DEFRA is funding five Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) Pilots to inform national environment policy. Underpinned by the 25 Year Environment Plan (2018) and the Environment Plan 2020.

The purpose of the LNRS is to restore and link up habitats so that species can thrive, and agree the best places to help nature recover, plant trees and woodland, restore peatland, mitigate flood and fire risk, and create green spaces for local people to enjoy. 

In August 2020 the government announced that Cumbria will be 1 of 5 Pilot areas trialling the development of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).  

With an agreed LNRS in place, the nature recovery work of everyone in Cumbria – from the designated landscapes and large conservation partnerships, to farmers, local businesses and community groups- can help to deliver a bigger, better and more joined up nature recovery network across the whole of the county.

Habitats Mapping

Cumbria County Council is leading this project. The Council believes that working with a wide range of partnerships, organisations and individuals that have an interest or influence in nature recovery is a key to develop an effective strategy for the county.

Cumbria Local Nature Partnership (CLNP) and Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre (CBDC) worked on behalf of Cumbria County Council for the development of the Cumbria habitat basemap and Local Nature Recovery Networks (LNRN). CBDC mapped the LNRN according to a mapping approach that was discussed and agreed by CLNP and the Project data and mapping groups.

The mapping approach has three main stages:
  • Auditing
  • Mapping
  • Modelling
As part of the LNRN design developmental work, the CLNP proposed a short and rapid piece of work to create an audit of data. Internal and external audits were carried out by CBDC. This included contacting various Statutory Agencies, NGOs and local authorities to ensure that LNRN work is identified and developed from the best available evidence. All the collated habitat datasets were checked for suitability, assessed for confidence, ranked for mapping and classified where relevant according to the UK Priority Habitat classification system.

Cumbria LNR Habitats Basemap

The Cumbria habitats basemap was developed from various sources, including habitat datasets from Natural England and Forestry Commission and locally held habitats data as well as habitats from locally identified wildlife sites. The basemap consists of 37 layers of habitat data that provide information on various habitat types in Cumbria.

Basemap interactive map

You can use the created interactive map to browse the habitats basemap. Depending on the speed of your internet you may need to give a time for the map to be downloaded. The interactive map includes the following tools:

Cumbria LNR Habitat Networks

The Cumbria Local Habitat Networks were created using the Natural England Habitats Modelling tool. This tool follows a standardised process that incorporates a range of data layers and identifies specific locations for a range of actions to help improve the ecological resilience for each of the habitats/habitat networks. 

The standard process for creating the individual habitat network map includes using 8 standard mapping components. The mapping components are divided into (A) ‘Existing Habitat’ and (B) ‘Network Enhancement & Expansion’ as outlined below:

For more information, please download the National Habitat Network Maps User Guidance

Networks interactive map

The Cumbria Local Habitat Networks comprise a series of 16 individual habitat network maps plus two ‘Combined Habitat Networks Map’. You can browse any of these networks using the Cumbria LNR Habitat Networks interactive map.

Habitat Networks Download

You can download the maps in .pdf format and you can also browse the habitat networks on Google Earth using .KMZ files:

Please make sure you download the Google Earth application on your PC.

Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre

The Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre at Tullie House Museum, Carlisle keeps wildlife information for the county of Cumbria. Tullie House Museum, in its role as a local natural history museum, has collected and disseminated records of wildlife in Cumbria since its inception in 1893. From the early 1990s the Museum has developed a computerised database of species and habitat records in Cumbria and has taken the central role in providing a local biodiversity data service for the county. This role was restyled as Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre (CBDC) in 2010, a not-for-profit organisation hosted by Tullie House Museum and advised by local stakeholders.
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreWednesday, January 8th, 2025 at 1:29am
@RHS Science and Collections Summer Studentships - apply by 31 Jan 2025 for an undergrad research opportunity including data collection on urban tree planting!
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreSunday, January 5th, 2025 at 1:12am
12/12 days of Christmas:
For the twelfth day, we wanted to share the county flower of Cumbria, Grass of Parnassus (Parnassia palustris) or ‘Bog Star’, seen here as wall art in Whitehaven….. Not in flower just yet but look out for it in the summer in damp places across Cumbria.
Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter, sent out every two months with news, events, stories and other useful info about wildlife recording!
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreSaturday, January 4th, 2025 at 1:08am
11/12 days of Christmas:
Cumbria Wild Watch 2025
Get recording for the big Cumbrian recording event of the year – 26-29 June 2025
Help us to better understand the wildlife of Cumbria – now and for future generations!
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreFriday, January 3rd, 2025 at 12:59am
10/12 days of Christmas:
Join the Bothel Community Wildlife Group's bioblitz this May, supported by CBDC and many others. A 24 hour event - with camping at the farm.

See for more information
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreThursday, January 2nd, 2025 at 1:21am
9/12 days of Christmas:
Find out more about the Cumbria County Wildlife Sites (CWS) Project on Tuesday 21st January at 6:30pm in a free webinar.

The project is looking to survey CWS across the county to find out more about them - and there are over 1600 sites!

Meet the team and find out how you could get involved:
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreWednesday, January 1st, 2025 at 1:19am
8/12 days of Christmas:
Challenge 365 is LIVE!

Record your first wildlife observation of 2025 today to take part in the challenge - and every day for the rest of the year.

What is your first record? Plant, animal or something else?

Ours is some very early cherry blossom....