Cumbrian Wildlife Atlases
To conserserve and enhance Cumbria’s biodiversity it is critical to make data available and easy to use.
Partners: Cumbria Bird Club, Cumbria Moth Group, Cumbria Mammal Group
Date: 2016 – 2018
Services: Data Management and Analysis, Document Publication
To support local and visiting recorders, CBDC, in collaboration with local recording groups, has produced multiple animal atlases for the county.
CBDC has provided data, mapping, and technical assistance to the production of numerous local wildlife atlases. For example, when producing the Cumbria Bird Atlas, we developed a digital mapping process to automatically generate maps over 1,500 maps, in a style that aligned with British Trust for Ornithology standards. The Cumbria Moth Atlas that we produced used over 250,000 moth records, mapping all 581 macro moth species in Cumbria, almost all of which were recorded by local volunteers – a great credit to the efforts of local moth recorders!
The Atlases we have produced can be found in our Wildlife in Cumbria section.
Links and Credits:
– View our list of Local and National Recording Groups
– View our full selection of Animal Atlases