Responsible Recording

Recording, or biological data collecting is, for many of us, an enjoyable part of our lives, and the resulting data has many important uses for science, conservation, planning, and informing the development of policies and legislation.

However, if recording is not carried out responsibly, your presence and activities can have a serious, negative impact on the environment and the wildlife you are interested in. You should also consider the needs of landowners, farmers, livestock, and other people who visit, live and work in the countryside.

Knowledge and implementation of the information below will enable all recorders, novice and expert, to act responsibly and as ambassadors of good practice to others.

These policies and codes have been developed and based on sound research and experience over many years. As a photographer or birder how many times have you tried to get the perfect shot, or confirmed identification, by getting too close to your subject? Such disturbance can often affect breeding success, or finding enough food to survive the night. It might cause tired migrants to move on to less suitable habitats when they need to shelter, rest or feed.

Codes of Practice

All users of the countryside:
Countryside Code

Bird Watchers’ Code (BTO, .PDF)

Wildlife photographers:
Photography and the Law (RSPB, .PDF)

Butterfly enthusiasts:
Collecting, breeding and photography (Butterfly Conservation, .PDF)

Advice for Dog Walkers

Dog disturbance has been researched and scientifically proven to cause breeding failure and desertion by wildlife of otherwise suitable habitat. Roosting waders have been shown to be critically affected by dog walkers as they are constantly moved on along the beach. Cumulative minor disturbances have been proven to be more detrimental than single large events, and as the population increases and suitable habitat is lost these pressures are compounded.

Scottish Outdoor Access Code for dog walkers 

Rare Breeding Birds

If you discover a rare bird, particularly a breeding species, think carefully about who you inform. Large numbers of visitors wanting to see the unusual sight might cause breeding failure or criminals may steal eggs or young.

Reporting Birds to RBBP (.PDF)

Health and Safety

When venturing out make sure you are fit enough for your chosen activity: tiredness causes poor decision making. Make sure you are properly equipped and know how to use it. The weather in Cumbria can change very quickly: make sure you have clothing for all likely eventualities. Make sure you can navigate ,and don’t rely on electronic navaids such as GPS and smartphones which are prone to failure. A map and compass is far more reliable. Be tick aware!

Mountain Rescue Safety Advice
BTO’s Health and Safety for Volunteer Surveyors
Lyme Disease Action
Tick and Lyme Disease advice (.PDF)

Know the Law

Rare species and those particularly prone to disturbance are protected by wildlife legislation. Make sure you know the law with regard to your target area or species before you leave home.

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000

Wildlife Crime Reporting

If you suspect someone is committing a wildlife offence you can report it to the Cumbria Police by telephoning 101 or file a non-urgent crime via the link below.

Cumbria Police Wildlife Crime

Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre

The Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre at Tullie House Museum, Carlisle keeps wildlife information for the county of Cumbria. Tullie House Museum, in its role as a local natural history museum, has collected and disseminated records of wildlife in Cumbria since its inception in 1893. From the early 1990s the Museum has developed a computerised database of species and habitat records in Cumbria and has taken the central role in providing a local biodiversity data service for the county. This role was restyled as Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre (CBDC) in 2010, a not-for-profit organisation hosted by Tullie House Museum and advised by local stakeholders.
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreMonday, January 20th, 2025 at 6:27am
Last chance to register for the webinar:
Updating Cumbria’s County Wildlife Sites

Tomorrow at 6:30pm.

A golden opportunity to find out more about the project, County Wildlife Sites and important habitat in Cumbria. Come along!

To register:
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreWednesday, January 8th, 2025 at 1:29am
@RHS Science and Collections Summer Studentships - apply by 31 Jan 2025 for an undergrad research opportunity including data collection on urban tree planting!
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreSunday, January 5th, 2025 at 1:12am
12/12 days of Christmas:
For the twelfth day, we wanted to share the county flower of Cumbria, Grass of Parnassus (Parnassia palustris) or ‘Bog Star’, seen here as wall art in Whitehaven….. Not in flower just yet but look out for it in the summer in damp places across Cumbria.
Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter, sent out every two months with news, events, stories and other useful info about wildlife recording!
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreSaturday, January 4th, 2025 at 1:08am
11/12 days of Christmas:
Cumbria Wild Watch 2025
Get recording for the big Cumbrian recording event of the year – 26-29 June 2025
Help us to better understand the wildlife of Cumbria – now and for future generations!
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreFriday, January 3rd, 2025 at 12:59am
10/12 days of Christmas:
Join the Bothel Community Wildlife Group's bioblitz this May, supported by CBDC and many others. A 24 hour event - with camping at the farm.

See for more information
Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Cumbria Biodiversity Data CentreThursday, January 2nd, 2025 at 1:21am
9/12 days of Christmas:
Find out more about the Cumbria County Wildlife Sites (CWS) Project on Tuesday 21st January at 6:30pm in a free webinar.

The project is looking to survey CWS across the county to find out more about them - and there are over 1600 sites!

Meet the team and find out how you could get involved: