CBDC does all it can to validate and verify species records, although it cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided.
Validation and Verification
CBDC’s policy is to only shares validated and verified data. Validation ensures that records are in a standard format; with Ordnance Survey grid reference, location, recorder and determiner name and species scientific name using a recognised name in the NBN Species Inventory. CBDC staff liaise with the recorder if there are any queries and may ask for evidence such as photographs or specimens.
Verification is the process of checking that the species identification is correct. Verification is undertaken by local referees or county recorders on an annual basis and is supplemented by national experts reviewing CBDC datasets on a more ad hoc basic. For most records verifiers will merely accept the record is plausible based on what is known about the species’ range, life history, habitat preferences, ease of identification and the recorder’s experience.
Rare, protected and non-native/invasive species will be verified as soon as possible after the record has been received.